Tuesday, December 21, 2010

family day

We spent the entire day together. Cookies in the afternoon. Christmas Train at night.

This year's trip to the Christmas Train is gonna be hard to beat. Perfect weather. No long waits in line. Happy kids.
But what makes it a night I will never forget... I sat next to a certain six year old boy and listened to him pray the prayer asking Jesus into his heart.

Hayes, we could not be more proud of you. What a big decision you made tonight. One that has changed your life forever.
You got up after the prayer and declared, "I'm going to be the best I can be for the rest of my life." Sweet boy.
Looking forward to watching you grow in Christ, buddy. Love you.

How's that for a Christmas present? :)


  1. Oh Trisha & Kyle! All of heaven is rejoicing!! Give him a big squeeze from us.

  2. what an amazing day!! so glad Kyle was there to witness it with you. i was six when i prayed that prayer...I still remember it like it was yesterday. love ya!

  3. Praise the Lord! How exciting. Thanks for sharing this special moment. God bless you all!

  4. *tears of joy* over here....how wonderful, Hayes! I'm pretty sure this is the best Christmas present next to God giving US Jesus.

    What a sweet family pic! The cookies are cute....I love that you put the melted snowman on top of a cookie!

    Yay for family time and a PERFECT night for the Christmas train...maybe we can join you next year!

  5. What a wonderful Christmas blessing! It must make a mama's heart so happy to know her child has chosen to walk in the truth.

  6. What a great evening for your family!! Congrats Hayes!! What a fantastic story of how Christ works in hearts and lives!!!

  7. Glad you all have had some quality time together the last few days! Minnie and Papaw are so proud of Hayes and his decision ask Christ into his life.. it is so heart warming to know that your grandchildren are being raised to love Christ like their parents were taught.

  8. Almost texted you before I realized it's after 10... that's AWESOME! Totally made me tear up. :) Yay, Hayes! And yep, you picked the night to go!! It was seriously 50 degrees, right? :)

  9. This is the best Christmas present we could ever have!!! Our first grandchild accepting Christ! Hayes, Nana and Grandpa are so happy for your decision and will continue to pray for you every day.

  10. That's such a wonderful Christmas gift! You must be a very proud Mama. Praise God for great parents that are introducing their children to Jesus at a young age. There can't be a greater blessing than knowing your sweet baby is going to be reigning with Christ forever. Way to go, Hayes, what an awesome decision you have made!

  11. I know I'm always a little late on my commenting but I'm tearing up as I type...God is so good and Hayes...you've touched my heart today! I love you and I'm so excited for you and the room being prepared in heaven for you!
