Wednesday, November 3, 2010

a fun weekend

carving a pumpkin with papaw 

getting our hair did at salon de ellie 

cherry berry deliciousness 

our favorite trick or treat spot ... GG's!

thanks Mom and Dad for helping turn our weekend into a good time!


  1. i'm thinking carla has a new look with those hair clips! and i LOVE embry in that last photo...what a character!

  2. It was a good time.. we loved being there and helping out... getting to visit with Dr. Wooderson (rare event)... and the delicious supper you made (yum)... the new hair do ;o)(what was so funny is her expression putting the clips in), and GG even had a good time!

  3. Oh I need some Ellie spunk in my life. We'll see you guys in December, the countdown begins!
