Monday, November 22, 2010

can i get an amen on the weather today?

she was glad to get her swing on.

super e is always up for an adventure.

i love the new smile.

and this... well, it reminded me of this....

august 2008


  1. awwww... my sweethearts! Can't wait to spend some time with them and all the rest of our family! Good photos!

  2. We had fabulous weather today here, too! Em hanging out the window is precious.

  3. It WAS a lovely day in STL, too. Glad the kids got to spend some time outside before the "cold" front comes through and they are stuck inside.

    And look at that sweet pic of E!

  4. Seriously, where does the time go? Embry looks like a little baby in that last pic and it was only 2 years ago! WOW! Yes, and great weather day!!
