Sunday, October 17, 2010

pumpkin patch

We discovered the perfect little pumpkin patch the other day. It was a breathe of fresh air compared to the one we usually visit. We walked along the path of pumpkins, playing games until we reached the big hay maze. The owner took us through the garden, showing the kids all of the vegetables and herbs. Have you ever smelled chocolate mint? Yum! There is a beautiful, red barn (which you should know by now that I am a fan of a good barn. :)) filled with goodies to buy... like pumpkin butter. Double yum! There was also a petting zoo and a tractor available for hayrides. And the nicest people. Seriously nice.

Now to get the pumpkins out of my car that have been in there for three days.


  1. Neat lookin pumpkins.. I wanna go there too.... I haven't found any fun looking pumpkins yet and looks like you all had a good time.. love Ellie's smile ;o)

  2. Holy smokes, Hayes looks grown! What a bunch of cutie pies! I'm dying to get to the pumpkin patch this year.

  3. That is too cool. We ARE going to the pumpkin patch as soon as we get over this stinking cold!

  4. okay, great usual! I love the one of all three...Ellie's smile makes me giggle. LOVE her! That pumpkin patch sounds amazing! BUT I've never heard of pumpking butter before....hmmmm.
