Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the boy turns 34 today.

It may be that I am still in the high school reunion mindset, but all I can think about after this past weekend is how lucky I am
that you are the one I ended up with. We've done nothing but grow closer and stronger in this life we have together.

When I think about what I love most about you lately, I think of...

you getting up each morning with lack of sleep and never complaining about it
your fascination with sushi and lunchmeat
you snuggling on that awful couch with me while we watch tv
you braiding Ellie's hair
you happily making waffles for the kids
you allowing me, more like encouraging me to take alone time
your ability to fix any problem or at least knowing where to start
you dealing with all of the crap you deal with... way better than i ever could 
you teaching Hayes to draw
you finding the humor in my cooking catastrophes
your fascination with those dang online 'deal' websites
you taking Embry on special jeep rides
you exploring your new passion of biking
your different voices that make us all laugh
you sitting down at the piano to unwind
your bedtime stories for the boys
your bedtime songs for the girl
you truly loving me for who i am
you dressing the kids on your own and bringing them to church to meet up with me
your fascination with drawing the perfect tattoo
you encouraging me to see past the things that get me down

I could go on and on, but you get the picture.
I like you. A lot.

Happy Birthday, birthday boy.
Love you.


  1. Well, Isn't that just the sweetest thing!

    Happy Birthday Kyle! Thank you for being so strong and taking care of my sister and your beautiful children!

    I love you!

  2. Super sweet birthday tribute!
    Happy Birthday Kyle!

  3. Very very sweet!! Happy B-day Kyle!! by the can braid?! very impressive. I need to teach clint to do this!

  4. What a sweet "card"! Kyle, you can braid...really? And Randy loves checking those "deal" websites, too. :-)

    Happy 34 years, Kyle! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  5. Wow! There may or may not have been a tear involved when I read this. Happy Birthday, Kyle!

  6. Oh that melts my heart! What a sweet, encouraging, and love-love-loving wife you are. Happy Birthday to Kyle! I hope you guys get to spend it together.

  7. What a lucky boy to have a girl like you too! happy birthday Kyle!

  8. Aw, that's so sweet! Happy birthday, Kyle! You two are a match made in heaven. Makes me happy. :o)

  9. Lucky guy.. lucky girl! Love growing since middle school (for some)...

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday Kyle... sounds like there were some fun times in there before you had to go to work...

    We love you!

  10. What a great list! Your love is evident! Praying Kyle had a blessed birthday.
