Monday, July 26, 2010

one-on-one time

It's hard to believe that summer is coming to an end. We just finished up our last round of one-on-one time. We had Embry all to ourselves this final time and it was just pure Happy Jack joy.

He is such a sweet boy.
Everyone is back home now. And the chaos has since resumed.

Now, when does school start again??

Thanks Minnie, Papaw, Nana and Grandpa for showering Hayes, Embry and Ellie with lots of attention and goodies. You made it possible for each kiddo to feel extra-special this summer.

**Like the new look? I am so excited! Still have some things to fix, but there's a boy upstairs calling me for a movie. :)**


  1. Oh I love the second picture! I'm aching to hear a "Hey Wiz" Can't wait to see you guys in just a few days! Love the new look.

  2. Just darling pics of your Happy Jack! Those eyes...they get me every time.

    Um, LOVE-LOVE-LOVE the new look. Thought I happened upon the wrong blog at first. :-) You learning a little bit of HTML?

  3. Love, love, love the new look! And your boy is pretty darn cute, too.

    How about a bloggy layout tutorial? Yours makes the generic ones look, well, generic!

  4. I like the new look. Did you do it yourself?

    And hopefully, when we do have more than one kiddo, I'd love to be able to give them one on one time too. I think that's so important.

  5. Awesome new look, and amazing pictures as usual. What a sweet boy! I haven't met him but I can imagine what he's like. These pictures capture his personality so well :)

  6. WOW... love the new blog look! And Loved.... loved.... loved... my one on one time with kiddos! Just went too fast! Can't wait to see you all this weekend :O)

  7. That hat is too cute! Can't believe how big he looks.

  8. Love the new look -simple and refreshing. Also, love the reminder to keep up the one-on-one time.
