Wednesday, June 2, 2010

daddy's girl

Ellie had a date with Daddy tonight. She was just a wee bit excited. :)

They dined on donuts and then hit Target for some shopping. She came home with a sack full of pink.

To see them together makes my heart happy.

The boys are hanging out in Blackwell this week (Hayes with Minnie & Papaw, Embry with Nana & Grandpa). By the end of the summer, we should all have spent some one-on-one time with each kiddo.

We're really enjoying the time with our girl.  


  1. What fun! Glad you all get some one-on-one time.

  2. daddy's and their girls..nothing sweeter! glad you are enjoying your time with Ellie!

  3. Daddy/Daughter dates are the best! Hope you guys have a great summer.

  4. Sweet picture of the two of them.

    What a great idea for you all to do.

    Our local Chick-Fil-A is getting ready to have daddy/daughter date night. They go all out. I've got my girls and Brett signed up for it. They will have fun.

    We are getting ready to have some one on one time with our 3 year old as much 12 yr. old is getting ready to leave in the morning for 2 weeks with her grandparents traveling in their motor home.

  5. Awesome, T! They look really tickled to be together!

  6. I bet Kyle loved every minute of this date... and Ellie loved all the attention and pink too!

  7. What a cool salon! I remember time with my daddy going to the post office and sliding down the stair banister. It was the best. So good to see Kyle and Ellie together (and Kyle rested). Embry was precious to have here even tho he was sick. I love it when out of the blue he says NANA...I love you!.
