Tuesday, May 25, 2010

budding artist

I've got a little girl who likes to draw. Is that not the cutest little pink creature you have ever seen? :)  I love seeing what their little hands create. And it's always fun when your kids surprise you with something you didn't know they could do. Ellie brought me this picture... first time she wrote her name!


  1. I LOVE it!
    Thanks for the reminder...I need to post some of Josiah and Laney's latest artwork...including Josiah's 'signature' on my Mother's Day card.

  2. That's really sweet! Alex is absolutely obsessed with (ME) writing his name. He won't attempt it yet. But he brings me chalk all the time to write it for him! LOL... love the drawings. :)

  3. WOW.. she did well writing her name and drawing! What a pretty little girl she is... beginning to really look like her Mommy did when she was that age too :O) Can't wait to see you all this weekend...

  4. That is a beautiful picture of Miss Ellie! What a sweet face on that little artist.
