Friday, May 21, 2010

bring on the sweaty days of summer!

Hayes finished Kindergarten today. Oh dear heavens. My baby will be in 1st grade in only a few short months!

What a wonderful year it has been, as quickly as it has flown by.

Hayes, we are so proud of all you have accomplished this year. You were such a good listener in class and worked hard to become a reader and time teller. Now let's focus on tying those shoe laces and getting rid of the training wheels! Deal? :)

Here's an entry from his journal that he has been writing in all year. Too cute.
I like Legos
Star Wars the Jedis Return
because there is Luke Skywalker and R2D2
has a light saber
This year was filled with reading books and racing to the finish line. Way to go Hayes! You did it! 


  1. Awesome job, Hayes! Trisha, you should enter Bakerella's Star Wars cookie cutter giveaway. ;o) Looks like you have a fan!

  2. Good work, Hayes! Way to make your Mama proud!

  3. Minnie & Papaw are so proud of you Hayes! Guess I found out yesterday that I can't spell anything to your Mom anymore cause you can figure it out ;o).. you are just too smart!!! Minnie got her eyes opened this morning when she went in to wake you up.. you have grown so much and I loved our little talk...I know you will miss kindergarten, but know you will also love the 1st grade! I LOVE YOU MORE HAYES.. A BILLON .. ZILLON TIMES MORE :O)

  4. this makes me one proud auntie!

  5. Oh, wow, Hayes...1st Grade...really?! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments this year!

  6. Such a big boy! Thanks for the translation :)
    Ben is constantly making "books" with tape and things spelled phonetically and I feel so bad when I can't read them, lol!
