Thursday, February 11, 2010


Here  are a few scores from the last two weeks.

Crackers... free.
Lip balm... free.
Dove body wash... free plus a $1.50 profit on each one.
Blink eye drops... free plus $1.50 profit.
Orbit gum pack... $0.50.
Diapers and Pull-ups... $4 a piece.

I've noticed that I have to stop myself from buying things just because they are good deals. There were a ton of good deals this week, but I just stuck to items we use.

Convinced to play the game yet? :)


  1. Made 2 more trips to Walgreen's today.

  2. Made my Target, Walgreens, CVS trips today....SO exciting! I, too, have noticed that I have to keep myself from buying outside of our "usage" list just because it's a good deal--like the men's body wash.

  3. That's the hardest thing for me to do to. It's hard to pass up good deals. If they are really good (free) I will sometimes get some things to donate. Then I can feel like I didn't pass up something great and help someone else!

  4. Way to go missy :O) Too bad we don't have a Walgreens here!

  5. very impressive! i need to figure this coupon thing out...

  6. I'm going today- extra 15% off!

  7. Nope. But I'm very proud of you!

  8. I'm curious. How does this work? I would be interested in trying it.
