Friday, December 18, 2009

in the christmas spirit

Hayes had his Christmas party at school today.
There was singing...
building snowmen...

and decorating cookies.

Here he is with his teacher, Mrs. Black. I am so thankful we ended up in her class this year. She is absolutely amazing. Hayes is learning so much and really enjoys every bit of school. I only hope Embry and Ellie can sneak into her class too! :)

I received my first little letter from Hayes. Heart melting.

He makes me picture after picture after of things that I like, in my favorite colors. The other day he asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told him, "How about a pretty picture?" He left and came back and asked me what else I wanted. "I want my kids to be happy." Again. "Um, how about a necklace?" Finally after quite a few more times, he brought me a picture of a stocking filled with all of those things I said. Sweet boy.


  1. How special to have those special memories. I can't wait to start creating those memories as well!

  2. You've got a sweet little boy there! and a pretty good artist too.

  3. You are amazing.. can't believe all that stuff you made (8 doz sugar cookies) and wrapped all those gifts, then took to Hayes' party! Lucky class of kids!

    I love to see the excitement in Hayes' eyes when he is anxious to show you something he has done! He is so thoughtful and I love to get those special treasures myself!

    Had a blast with my kiddos the last couple of days... and our special time we can just sit and talk...

  4. Our little guy at this age is just precious and he has always been so considerate. Mrs. Black is pretty as well as a great teacher.

  5. oh my goodness! that letter and picture are the sweetest!
