Sunday, November 8, 2009

fruit gobbler

I've made this turkey guy the last several years for the kids (Family Fun's fruit gobbler). I had Hayes help me this year, seeing that he is really into patterns and buildng these days.

Fruit Gobbler

You'll need:

bosc pear (head)
melon (body)... I like the texture of a cantaloupe
cubed cheese (beak and tail feathers)
grapes (tail feathers)
red pepper (snood, feet and side feathers)
raisins (eyes)
bamboo skewers

Stabilize the melon body by cutting a shallow slice off the rind to form a flat base. Using two toothpicks, attach and stabalize the pear head to the melon.

Cut a cheese triangle beak and red pepper snood. Attach both, along with raisin eyes, to the head with sections of toothpick.

Cut red pepper feet and set them in place.

For tail feathers, skewer cheese cubes and red grapes, then insert the skewers as shown. Hayes had fun making different patterns and I got over my need to make it perfect... the different patterns actually turned out really cute.

Pin pepper side feathers in place with toothpicks. Addition of a  yellow and orange bell pepper, or even carrots would make it look even more colorful.

And there you have your turkey.

Gobble. Gobble.


  1. Let's make it again together with the kids at David and Maria's!

  2. Oh this is so fun! Jordan would love this!

  3. I just gotta say it again, are AMAZING at the mom thing!!!!

  4. What a neat idea!

    How long does he stay a turkey before he gets eaten?

  5. I LOVE this idea! I think I may do this for Thanksgiving. My kids will get a kick out of it.

  6. Might have to get the ingredients and have all three make one for our house this weekend! Be something we can do while you go to Fairfax.

  7. That is too cute! How much fun. I think Kody and I would have fun doing that without kids. :)

  8. Oh, I think we will have to make this! Thanks for sharing the idea!
