Monday, November 23, 2009

elf on the shelf

Meet Buddy.

I finally got around to ordering the Elf on the Shelf this year and it has been cracking Kyle and I up. If you are unfamiliar with this little guy, let me explain. You invite this magical little elf into your home for the days leading up to Christmas. He comes with a book that does a wonderful job of explaining his role to the kids. Told from his perspective, he explains that he is here to watch over us each day and report back to Santa each night on our behavior. Anything to encourage well-behaved kids, right? :)

But first, the kids must name him, which I thought was cute. The kids came up with Buddy. Easy enough.

So every night he flies back to the North Pole to hang with Santa and then he is back in the morning... in a different spot. The kids will look for him as soon as they wake up. They get so excited when they find him.

Hayes is on the verge of not buying into the magical, make-believe stuff, which is hilarious to me. Just makes me want to play it up even more. He was so serious when I read the book and just stared at the box with Buddy in it. "But he looks just like a toy."

Ellie just wants to play with him. But the book says if you touch him, he will lose his magical powers. So far so good. We'll see how long that lasts.

And Embry just wants to know if he went to see Jesus last night.


  1. I got one of those too - doubt we'll use it this year. Anyway, did you know you can also make it do nice/naughty things? I can look up and see what people have made it done if you want to know some ideas.
    Buddy is a cute name though!

  2. hilarious!! i was cracking up just seeing him perched on the window sill!

  3. What a neat idea! Keep us updated on how well it works!

  4. We are doing Elf on the Shelf this year too!

  5. I LOVE this idea... but we don't really do Santa in our house. My cousins did this growing up and they loved it!

  6. I'm cracking up just looking at the picture! I love the idea. Gotta do this next year.

  7. Cute idea. Many 'round here are doing it too. Keep us updated on how it goes.

  8. Hmmmm.... that Hayes... always thinking :O)

    I am curious too if this will work as me telling them that Santa is watching them ALL THE TIME didn't seem to work, did it?

  9. Love the idea!!!! I would love to do that too. Where did you get it?

  10. Don't you feel the least bit guilty with Hayes having complete trust in you lol! I couldn't even do it very long with Santa I felt so guilty! Just ask Kathy and Barb, they would say "it's your turn to lie to grandma etc". Barb was good at it!! Not to sound pious, I just was not good at a poker face. I think Buddy is a great idea. Henry the talking knome would be even better if they didn't know you were the one talking into it. Then you could say whatever you wanted them to know like "Ellie I saw you hit your brother yesterday"

  11. I've been on the fence about getting an elf..I saw them at hallmark yesterday but they've updated them - they are all plush. Have you seen them?
