Monday, October 5, 2009

weekend away

Whew! What a weekend!

Thanks to some wonderful grandparent shuffling, I was able to tag along with Kyle to Dallas on Thursday. He went to a dinner and attended a lab where he was able to do all kinds of procedures on a pig. I got to spend the evening in the hotel room with a glass of wine and a book (Amanda, I finally started "The Lovely Bones"). I also got some Allen outlet shopping in... can you really NOT shop there when in Dallas? :)

On our way back, we drove by a couple old places we used to live. This being the place we lived before we bought our first house. Oh yes we did. What can I say? The $400 monthly rent lured us in, but the SWAT team invading the next door neighbor for a meth lab drove us out. Good times.

We had fun staying with Auntie this weekend on OKC. It was such a great weekend to hang out, hit Pop's and go to a family wedding. While at the wedding, the kids tore it up on the dance floor and I about had a heart attack when Embry handed me a chunk of the groom's cake and said, "Sorry Mom." Luckily, it was fondant and I was able to quickly piece it back together where it looked as good as new. I think.

Thanks Auntie and Benny Boo for letting us invade your sweet little apartment. Hopefully, you won't get kicked out for all of the racket your niece and nephews made. Love you!

As we headed out on Sunday, we met Grandpa and Nana for lunch. Hayes had his first order of ribs. Daddy was so proud. :)


  1. What a fun weekend! Outlet shopping is the best!

  2. I am so jealous of the outlet shopping! My heart races when I go outlet shopping. Your weekend looked so fun and you got some "alone" time...woot, woot!

  3. Sounds like you did it all - shopping, eating, relaxing, family time, alone time.

    We will have to have you guys over for ribs sometime. Jimmie got a new smoker and is eager to master all things smoked!

  4. YAY for time sans leg-huggers! Look at that apartment--what a fun story to share! And Hayes looks like he tore up those ribs--YUM!

  5. Ribs! Yum.

    Glad you got to have a bit of alone time.

  6. ooh I'm jealous! JM is going to Austin at the end of the month but I don't get to tag along. :(

  7. I so remember that apartment in Norman. It was ugly and kinda gross, but I think it's much worse from the looks of that picture. We had a great time this weekend and it was great that Kyle got to come. So glad you got some time away!

  8. was a wild & fast weekend for all of us, wasn't it... glad that I could help out in some of the shuffling... AND YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN CALL ME ANYTIME!

    Auntie looks like she is loving every minute with her sweeties! I know she was excited to have you all come and stay!

    Glad you all finally made it to Pops... looks like everyone had fun too... Yay Hayes... one more thing he will eat (for now that is)...

  9. How fun! But I need to know....when did you live in that jewel of a home?

    Glad you had a good weekend away! Let me know what you think of Lovely Bones..I just finished the authors memoir, Lucky. It's even better.

  10. TJ, Benny and I had a great time! Come and stay at any time! love you!

  11. It was a great weekend. I had cases thursday at another hospital and then we hit the road. that means four whole days without setting foot at my hospital. loved watching my kids dance and im still thinking about those smoked ribs (and my smokin hot mama wife).

  12. Sounds like a great weekend...I loved The lovely bones, and I LOVE me some outlet shopping!!!
    Glad the kiddos had fun too and I'm cracking up about that cake :)
