Thursday, July 16, 2009

fit to be tied

"Ellie, you look so silly throwing a fit."


"Come on, you can do better than that!"


After a minute or two of encouraging these shenanigans, she started laughing and forgot all about the fit. She can be quite the little drama queen. She literally jumps up and down and flails her arms about... and occasionally falls to the floor. It can be quite the show.


  1. Isn't it great to be past that "Oh no, my child is throwing a fit. Is this normal? What should I do?" thing! Love the mischievous look on her face!

  2. Looks just like her BFF Paige....Maybe they can get together and have a contest to see who can throw the biggest fit! HA!

  3. Oh, boy. That looks familiar!

  4. I read you're supposed to throw water on them. I think it was Dear Abby.

  5. I have to echo Dion....all too familiar and mine is only 14 months. UGH, I sure do hope this next one's a boy...I only have enough in me for one girl. *wink*

  6. Goodness... I am sure she is doing it for attention, which I know that she gets... so buy some plugs for your ears and ignore her , or better yet.. just walk off and see what she does ;o) Easy for me to say, right...


    See you tomorrow... anxious to see everyone.

  7. Always so nice to know that I am not the only mom in the world dealing with DRAMA!!!! (Cute pics!)

  8. We have a little drama queenie at our house too! It must be the age...I hope!

  9. This is wonderful... so nice to see I am not the only one that encourages her children with camera in hand. I have never had it work out well, though. They never start laughing. They usually just get more mad.
