Thursday, June 25, 2009

little fish

We've made it through one week of swim lessons. Half way there. Hayes improves everyday. He is still loving it and his teacher says he is "rockin' it!"

The hard part has been for us spectators. It's a bit of a tease, really. Sitting in the shade, watching the kids play in the pool as we drip with sweat. I get cranky when I'm hot. Embry and Ellie get cranky when they're hot. So we try and hold the crankiness off as long as possible... with snacks and beads.

And I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention Hayes' swim trunks. I am making big steps, people. First with character pj's, now character swim trunks... in public. I am coming around to the idea that he loves this stuff and I just need to accept it. And besides, if I get over it now, won't that make things a little easier when he is a teenager? Ha!


  1. Glad the swim lessons are going well! Know what you mean about watching in the shade.... And I *completely* understand about the character clothing.

  2. I was right there with you on the character stuff. We, too, were initiated with character PJs and swimwear. Now, we have Disney princess everywhere.

  3. Go, Hayes! Go, Hayes!

    UGH, sitting on the sidelines in the heat! Beads...what a GREAT idea! Looks like fun!

    And I hear ya on the character thing...I've had to slowly get used to it, too. Since Josiah outgrew his Cars swim trunks of last summer, the only character item we take out in public is his "Handy Manny" beach towel....but he is still young enough to where he doesn't yet care what he's only a matter of time, I'm sure.

  4. hahaha! the character stuff kinda makes me crazy too. honestly, it's the only reason i didn't want a boy....much harder to avoid!!

  5. Fun, fun! The lessons, I mean. Sitting in the heat with twin 3 year olds? NOT fun. I'm sorry. I hope the classes are early in the morning, when it's only like 95 degrees. I'd say daily trip to McD's for a cone!

  6. I also have a thing about character stuff! P.J's is about as far as it goes, except Jake does have some Lightning McQueen and Star Wars t-shirts that I let him wear.

    Love all those great pics!

  7. I am glad that you are coming around on the character clothing.. it is not like he is the only one wearing it... he does look nice when he has to 'dress' up. And yes, you will avoid lots of arguments in the future... trust me! Been there.. done that!

  8. Almost forgot.. love the goggles!

  9. i showed Cart the pics of Hayes and he got even more excited about HIS lessons in 2 wks!!! YAY!!! Maybe he'll do better than I'm expecting!!!

  10. Yay on the swim success...Yay on the swim trunks. Ellie wanted a Dora swimsuit when we were shopping at walmart and I held her off. It was just too ugly.
