Saturday, May 30, 2009

we belong in a zoo

We did not waste any time getting our summer started. We headed to the OKC Zoo and had a blast with Minnie, Papaw and Auntie.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We will... Daddy's home and we've got nothing on the agenda but hangin' out.


  1. FUN TIMES!!! You all looked like you were havin'a blast!

  2. Love the photo with the girls silhouetted against the aquarium glass.

  3. What FUN and a great way to start the summer! Love that they're all wearing green. I especially love the pic of E&E looking into the aquarium.

  4. So much fun! We love the zoo, especially the OKC zoo! I want your talents - your pictures are sooooo good!!

  5. We just went today!!! It was sooo hot but a good time! What cute pics!

  6. Goodness gracious. I try to restrain myself from commenting every time I see your pictures, because my comments would be the same each and every time.
    But here it is anyway: You are SO good at taking pictures. I love these! Looks like you had a great time.

  7. We had a good time, but why wouldn't we... we were with those that we love!!

    I will take away some great memories of that day, especially your reaction to the flock of geese ;o)!
