Wednesday, May 20, 2009

summer, here we come!

Today was the last day of school for Embry and Ellie. I'm so sad to see them leave their teachers. Wonderful ladies. We received little photobooks with pictures from throughout the year. It is amazing how much they have grown in just one school year! Thank you Grandpa and Nana for the opportunity to learn, make friends and give Mommy a break.

Today also marks the end of the thirty minute car wait in front of Hayes' school. By the time I pick Embry and Ellie up and head across town, there's not much time to go home. So we just hang out in the car and wait for Hayes to get out of school. This is not quite as enjoyable as one might think. Thank goodness it's over... for now anyway. :)


  1. Bring on summer!!! I am telling you- you take amazing pictures of your very, very cute kids.

    I posted answers to a couple of questions from you on my blog.

  2. Your babies aren't babies any more, they are growing up so fast and learning so much. Hayes is teaching ME alot with his little Hayes-isms, I LOVE your blog, let's me keep up with you all!

  3. Wow, they look soooo big! Have great summer.

  4. YEAH for summer! Can't wait for all our get togethers with the kids.

  5. What a blessing that you get a little break! Yay! And yay for summer, too!

  6. love the pics on the cute!
    hope you guys have a fun summer....maybe a trip to FL would be a good idea.....:0)

  7. They looked so cute for the last day of school!

  8. Precious photos... you take such great photos, but then again, you have beautiful subjects!

  9. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog. I posted a reply to your comment at the original post so that we could keep the convo all in one place, in case others are trying to follow along!

    Jane Anne's got it right - CUTE pics of ADORABLE kids! I'll stop back by again real soon!

  10. A photobook--what a wonderful gift to receive, to remember their school year at 2 years old! Those twins of yours are just too cute!

    And what a wonderful gift Grandpa and Nana gave to all of you....I think I'll be taking this suggestion to the grandparents/friends/family when they're looking for gifts for Christmas...MDO for Josiah (for at least the first 4 months after #3 arrives) sounds wonderful!

  11. Hearing Jesus Loves Me and their ABC's was the greatest thank you for sure. I'm not believing they are this big when I see these pictures.
