Saturday, May 2, 2009

out and about with my ellie bells

I got to spend the morning with my girl. After running errands, we had lunch at Jamba Juice. She sat on my lap as we drank our smooovies and shared a pretzel. I could have sat with her there all day. I so look forward to the girlie times ahead of us.

And now for our daily tip from Hayes:
"When you dip your pepperonis in the coca cola, it makes a yummier spice."


  1. I love that top! Is that one of your etsy buys? And she is so cute with those pigtails!

    Jenna and I went out shopping by ourself and ate at Panera Bread and she was so sweet the whole time and I thought the same thing about the girlie times ahead....(at least I hope!)

  2. Where did you find the top? Cute!

  3. I can't wait for those special shopping trips with my Little Princess! How can I get out of the house with just her? Hmmmm.... gonna have to ponder on that one!

  4. Oh, and for Hayes' tip of the day... amazing that he will eat them alone and not on a pizza!

  5. About those times with Ellie, I just told Steve all that shopping was an investment in a mom and daughter relationship!
    The Hayes tips are great! I enrolled him in swimming lessons with Courtney today (maybe) Anyway I told June to put him on the list if she teaches.

  6. Too cute! I love when Kate and I have fun moments together. It makes me sad to think how fast she is growing up, but excited about the future!

  7. How nice to get some mommy/daughter time!

  8. Funny tip, thanks Hayes.

    Part of me is happy I only have one girl so I can revel in those girlie moments :P
