Tuesday, April 14, 2009

i got boogies!

"I got boogies! I got boogies!"

I turned around to see what I thought was a big chunk of boogies hanging from Ellie's nose. I gagged a little. After a closer look, I realized it wasn't a big chunk of boogies after all, it was a Made in China sticker. I wonder how long that's been hanging around in her nose. Geeze.

In other exciting Ellie news, she went to the dentist today for a recheck of her little brown tooth. Everything looked the same (no change is a good thing), so she will get to keep her tooth!


  1. lol! a sticker is much better than a booger! although, if it were up there for very long.....that's a different story!

  2. I have tears I'm laughing so hard! Brad is in the other room asking me what is so funny!

  3. Good grief! Glad it was paper... it would have made me gag too!

    So happy the tooth gets to stay as you don't get to see much of it anyway! She is my cutie pie no matter what though!

  4. LOL! Seriously....a "Made in China" sticker was up her nose?! You can't think up stuff this funny!

    Yay for no teeth-pulling!!!!

  5. Glad you get to keep the tooth!

  6. Oh, you just never know what's going to happen, do you? Glad her tooth is okay.
