Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Does anyone else's car look like this? This is a typical day when everyone goes to school. Backpacks, lunch boxes, sleeping mats, purse, mail, prescriptions, you name it. It takes two trips to get it all back into the house.

It makes me smile though. It means we got out of the house, the kids got to play with their friends and I had a little break.

And if you are wondering what the back of the car looks like, keep wondering... cause I'm not going to show you. Pure madness.


  1. If that's what you tote around on the days the kids are in school, I can't imagine what your vehicle looks like when you head out of town....that's a lot of stuff! ;-)
    Thankfully, all I have to carry around right now is one large diaper/tote bag....but that will soon change as soon as Josiah starts school and we add another baby.

  2. I don't know how things multiply. It always takes me a few loads to everything back into the house. How did they get out there to begin with?!

  3. I've seen the back of the car ;) but who cares, right?!!

  4. At least all the bags are stylin' threads. Miss you guys.

  5. Not totally there yet, but we definitely have our fair share of cargo!!

  6. Oh yes!! My car looks just like that (but my bags aren't as cute)and I would never take a picture of the back of it, either. You are not alone.

  7. Where are the shoes, baby dolls, gum wrappers, and empty water bottles???? Oh girl, you are definitely not alone.

    And thanks for your sweet comment today...we are all in this together and I'm so thankful!

  8. You are a brave woman to post a picture of your car. Cute bags, wish my junk looked that good!
