Monday, February 16, 2009

c to the r to the a to the z-y

I have finally updated Hewood. Of course you have seen most of the pictures on this bloggy blog, but there are a few new ones.

So delicious.

What's the word Fergie Ferg? Check it out.

So, I'm a bit delusional. Facebook is to blame. It'll make ya loco. Katie assures me it is only temporary. Thank goodness.

Rock. Rock.

I finally caved this weekend and joined. Holy freak! Could there be more people on it? I have to admit, it is pretty cool seeing everyone and their cutie patootie kids but I'm finding myself checking out people's profiles that I may or may not have ever had a conversation with. Help me.


Kyle of course gets a kick out of it because you know, he would like rather be doing amputations or playing video games (whateva). But I think he is just as intrigued as I am at the people coming out of the woodwork.

They want a taste of what I got.

"Guess who I'm friends with now?"
"So and So."
"Are you serious? What are they up to?"
"I don't know. But we're friends."

Let the networking begin. That is the point of Facebook, right?

Ok, Mom, I know you are in the dark at this point... here's Fergalicious for your viewing pleasure. You're gonna love it.

I blow kisses.


  1. Yeah, facebook kind of has a life of its own. I had to turn off pretty much all email notifications because I can't handle that many emails. Good luck, Miss Popularity. ;o)

  2. I am still in the dark ;)

    It is funny who wants to be 'your friend' too... (some I am not sue I know). I have more contacts with people I haven't talked with in some time....

  3. I tried to stay away for the longest. And I thought I wouldn't get sucked in either....but I am....

  4. You are hilarious (or, CRAZY)!

    I really didn't think joining FB would be that big of a deal for me...but I couldn't have been more's *almost* as addicting as blogging. ;-)

  5. don't feel bad minnie...i was in the dark until i read the last sentence...fergalicious. lol.

    i'm on facebook too! but i gave it up a month or so ago. it made me delusional.

  6. OMGoodness. I concur. This is the backstory to this post. Me "U gonna be much longer?" T "Yeah, I'm gonna post" Me "Okay, i'm sleeping on the couch, get me when ur going to bed." I hear massive typing and two hours later she wakes me up. Geeze....

  7. Move the computer out of the bedroom Kyle!!!

    I came out of the dark... got it! My home computer won't let me play stuff from YouTube, so the office got to hear fergaliciou... hmmm, they wonder what is up - me listening to rap music!!!

  8. Facebook is dangerously addictive! I enjoyed checking out some of your pictures on Hewood. You take amazingly cute photos of your kids!

  9. I'm so glad that I could inspire your addition! Facebook lives on!!! Now, I'm going to check my page....

  10. lol, exactly. i have fb friends i KNOW i've never spoken with-or heard of. but you know, you gotta be their friend. i can't risk going to a reunion to find i ignored or declined someone.

  11. I don't even know what to say right now....

  12. Facebook. I have 3 friends on there. Not nearly popular enough.

  13. I know... Laura made me do FB. Now I talk to high school kids from church and my old friends from high school. Trisha I mean it, don't neglect your blog. Many of us are bloggified and we get cranky without it. Even Grandpa!

  14. I can't believe hos long Ellies hair is getting

  15. You crack me up! We just joined a month or so ago and it's like finding a world you never knew existed!! While I was getting ready for work yesterday the Kidd Kraddick radio show covered the "top ten signs you are addicted to facebook". I couldn't stop laughing! Check it out at
