Monday, February 9, 2009

according to hayes...

Broccoli Obama is our new president.

You can use allergic as an excuse for things you don't like. Ellie was holding a bug today and once Hayes realized what it was, he freaked and ran off screaming, "Ahhh! I'm allergic to bugs!"

Poop can't really walk.

You can talk to God when you're mad. I'm likin' where his head's at... except he was going to tattle on me for not taking him to McDonald's.

A good movie and blanket will make you feel better. I agree. He came home early from school today because he wasn't feeling good. So I'm hoping his remedy helps him feel better soon.


  1. I am sorry he isn't feeling well. I hope he feels better quickly! The "Poop can't really walk" one got me. Where do they come up with these things!? I love it!

  2. Kids wisdom is priceless! And sometimes RIGHT ON!! Hope Hayes gets to feelin' better

  3. What a hoot! Hayes is always thinking!

    I've heard that "I'm allergic" excuse numerous time....

  4. I think we got something from the hospital or else I may have given it to Hayes. I started getting sick sunday afternoon. These little quips are so funny!

  5. I, myself, have used the "allergic" excuse and also believe that a good movie and blanket can cure most illness. Hope Hayes gets to feeling better soon...what did he want to watch?

    And poop can't walk? LOL! That's great, Hayes!

  6. Hmmm... I think I'm allergic to "Broccoli"
