Thursday, January 1, 2009

lions and tigers and bears...

all snoozing in the sun. Can't really blame them. It was the most amazing zoo day.

I have to admit, we went all summer without a trip to the zoo. I'm not really a fan of the heat. It makes me cranky. And the times we've actually made it to the zoo, the animal action leaves a lot to be desired.

But we jumped (well, I jumped... Kyle more like scooted) at the chance to go today with the beautiful weather and one less kid to chase around. Hayes was ringing in the new year in Blackwell.

Oh and in case you are wondering what our big plans were for New Year's Eve... let me sum it up for you:

pajama pants
sloppy joes
Step Brothers
Batman Begins
prying Kyle's eyes open to make it to midnight
The exciting life we lead. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy New Year!


  1. Papaw and Minnie got to take ALL 3 of them to the zoo this year when it was VERY hot outside! All three kids begged to be carried if they weren't lucky to be riding in the wagon and you can barely walk around yourself! We loved it though!

    We loved having Hayes here with us to celebrate New Years Day...

  2. It did look to be a beautiful *winter* day. I just LOVE bright, sunny yet just slightly chilly days. But I must admit that I've quickly become acclimated to 75 degree *winter* down here. ;-)

    You guys made it to midnight? Ha, all *three* kids were in bed by 930. I stayed up just long enough to watch the ET zone ring in the year, but then I headed for bed. Randy was on-call today so he "hit the sack" early just in case today was a loooong day....and it has been, lots of calls and he's been in the ER for close to 6 hours now.

    Happy 2009!!!

  3. That was pretty much our NYE! In case we weren't lazy enough...we put our mattress on the living room floor and food all around us.

  4. Looks like a memorable New Year's Eve.

  5. Hey -we were in bed by 10:30. Nice, huh? Oh, is it officially 2009 now? Oops..missed that one.
