Wednesday, January 7, 2009

family matters

Who goes with who...

Here's my family. My dad (Papaw) and mom (Minnie), my sister Cady (Auntie) and us. Take note of the lovely smile on each kid's face. At least they are all looking at the camera!

Kyle's family. Back row we have Kyle's brother Drew and Liz, me and Kyle, Kyle's sister, Laura (LaLa) and Andrew. Grandpa and Nana in the middle holding Drew and Liz's baby, Maddox. Down in front... Embry, Jordan, Hayes (nice) and Miss Serious.

These two cuties are awaiting the arrival of their little Jude in March.


  1. This was a fun post to see. You've mentioned everyone at various times, now there are faces to match.

  2. It was so nice to see the whole family. All of the babes (plus the one on the way) are so sweet, even Hayes' expression. ;-)

  3. Beautiful families! What a blessing to all be together to get a picture! We live so far away, we haven't gotten my family together for a picture of everyone since Jaden was 1 (he's almost 7 now). And 3 of my sibs have married since then and 1 more is engaged.

  4. What beautiful families!

  5. Hey.. they were freezing in our picture! Hayes is the only one that understood if they smiled I had suckers for them....
