Thursday, December 4, 2008

which one of y'all pooped?

We had a first today. And I know you all are going to be so proud! I know I was.

Someone pooped in the bathtub. Hayes never did this so it was a first for us... or should I say a first for Daddy! I knew he was on bath duty for a reason.

I'm not naming any names because I'm not for sure who actually did the deed. Ellie confessed. She confesses to everything though. That's the thing with twins and poop. Unless you catch one in the act, you've got to sniff out the stinker.

By the way, this picture has nothing to do with the post. I just like it. I didn't think it would be appropriate to take a picture of the crime scene. However, I did take it after the incident... does he look like he just dropped a couple kids off at the pool? I don't know. I'm still bettin' on Miss Elle.


  1. That is too funny! We haven't had a poop in the tub yet. I'm sure our time is coming....eventually!

  2. Oh no! Kids bring something new every day, don't they. ;)

  3. I can't believe you've gone this long without a poop in the tub, actually.

  4. LOL!!! A Baby Ruth in the tub? Never saw one in a tub, just pool... you too, right?

    Thought they went to bed early tonight!

    Love that pic too! What a cutie!!!

  5. Just for clarification Mom...

    It wasn't me that pooped in the pool! It was me cleaning poop out of the city pool because apparently a few pool punks had a problem.

    And everyone did go to bed early... like before 7 early. That has never happened. But oh it needed to happen tonight!

  6. Thanks for reminding about poop in the tub! I have 3 that are past that stage and 1 to go!! Too funny that Daddy was on bath duty.

  7. Okay, talk about bodily emissions (I almost wet myself in laughter). I need to tell you about my experiences with the "phantom" pooper at the Hastings in Stillwater.
