Saturday, December 27, 2008

christmas time

What a weekend it has been! I'm exhausted and still picking up the pieces from a very fun and blessed Christmas. Cooking (and eating!) yummy food, seeing the kids' faces light up when they discovered new toys, spending time with family and celebrating Jesus' birthday... just doesn't get any better, does it?

Here are a few highlights. The rest of the pictures are up on hewood.

Making cookies for Santa.

Andrew, Laura and I prepared a fancy schmansy Christmas Eve dinner.

Summing up Kyle's year... skateboarding doctor.

Ready for Santa!

Whew! Santa did stop by afterall...

Embry's highlight... the Woody doll he received on Christmas Eve. After that, he wasn't interested in anything... not even Santa's goodies the next morning.

We love TJ and Auntie! It was so fun hanging out with them. I even got some one on one sister shopping time in!

Papaw made Ellie this precious baby bed. Minnie made the bedding. This will be cherished forever.

Grandma and the girls... most of them anyway. It was so good to see everyone.


  1. I want to do a fancy schmancy party some day. Looks fun!

    Kyle's ornament is great!

  2. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! That baby bed is so precious!

  3. The pics and site look great honey.

  4. i had a lot of fun with you sis! i wish we got to have more of our one on one time! i love you!
