Saturday, November 8, 2008

one, two, three...


  1. How precious. He's so smart! I love you Embry!

  2. What a smart cookie! Daven is only required to count to 10 in pre-K (though he can count to 100). Looks like Embry passes! ;)

  3. Josiah just watched Embry's video with me and said, "that's cute". I agree, how sweet! He says "seven" so well. I'm amazed that the SOL requirement is to only count to ten upon entering Kindergarten....he's way ahead of the game. ;-)

  4. AWESOME Embry Jack! You looked so good yesterday.. all healthy and happy and talking up a storm. You are so smart & SO DANG CUTE!

    It made Minnie tear up to see you & Ellie run and throw your arms around each other and give a big long hug. Did you miss your sweet Sis? She missed you all for sure!

  5. I think Hannah has a crush- she wants to watch over and over! (we have already watched at least 4 times) Hannah is impressed- she tops out at 3. What a cutie!

  6. the cutest thing i have ever seen! love you!
