Wednesday, November 19, 2008

happy birthday dad!

So here is the kind of guy my dad is... he is coming to my house on his birthday to lay tile in our bathroom. That's my dad. Always looking out for his girls. Papaw, we will try and be on our best behavior. Riiiiiight. Love you!


  1. TOTALLY PRECIOUS! happy birthday dad! we are lucky to have ya!

  2. Your mom is so sweet! I just love her. It was a fun get together. Nothing like a mom....aren't we blessed to be ones?

  3. Oh.. this is soooo sweet, something your Dad will remember for some time... but their
    in-person birthday greeting was pretty special too!

    You know.... he loves his daughters, but he also loves his grandchildren very much!

  4. This is great! That puts all his time and work in perspective!

  5. I love the cone party hats-- perfect for a hard working dad! Cute video!!
