Sunday, November 2, 2008

garlic toast, anyone?

Mommy's thoughts: "What's that smell? Freak! I was toasting bread wasn't I? What is wrong with me?"

Hayes' thoughts: "Hey Embry! Let's go play in the smoke!"


  1. Too funny! I had Ramen I put on low, but I thought I had turned it off. It turned into sludge. At least it didn't burn. ;)

  2. Oh, how familiar this looks....

  3. Hee Hee! You know dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off! (That's what my Dad always jokes) I think anyone who has ever used a broiler has done this, and if they haven't, I think they are lying!

  4. It's GOTTA be a "family" thing....mine looks like that all of the time--just ask Zeke! ;-)
