Tuesday, October 21, 2008

when i grow up

"I'm gonna be a pilot when I grow up!"

"That's exciting Hayes."

"What are you gonna be when you grow up Mommy?"

"I am grown up. I'm a mommy."

"No, I mean when you grow up to be big and strong like Daddy."


  1. Enjoy this time when he thinks the world revolves around you!

  2. What a precious boy! Don't you love your grown up job. ;)

  3. You are a professional at your job. One of the best Moms I know (besides me, of course)!

  4. I am glad that you are documenting some of those cute quotes fromt the kids!

    I think you are pretty strong & tough in many ways Mommy!

  5. Yes, we finally have a blog. What a great way for family to keep up! Yours makes me laugh all the time...I love it!
