Sunday, October 12, 2008

weekend highlights

Hayes actually posed for pictures at the pumpkin patch... over and over. I loved it! Check out hewood for more.

These guys got their big brother on a horse. He has never wanted to before but once he saw Embry and Ellie go for a ride, he was next in line.

The kids went crazy with their Dallas Cowboys gear that Papaw and Minnie brought back from the game.

Why so serious? Our kitchen table got a face lift today. Embry and Ellie went to town with the markers.
We spent the day outside and got a little dirty. Check out Hayes' outfit. He was so proud he matched his greens.
We discovered Lala is having a boy! Hayes has already named him Bumblebee.


  1. Tell Hayes Bumblebee is just too long to go with Sappenfield, otherwise it would be great!LOL

  2. So I had no idea you snapped this pic! Thanks - Andrew and I really enjoyed spending some much needed time with you all and the kids!
