Thursday, October 2, 2008

if the shirt fits, wear it twice

Apparently Hayes wore this shirt to school yesterday, slept in it and wore it to school AGAIN today. Oops! It was the first thing Kyle noticed when he came home tonight. And I'm supposed to be the observant one! Oh well, at least I made him put on nicer shorts and change his shoes before he went to school.

It is fun to see what ensembles he comes up with these days. Today he came downstairs and said, "Oh! I forgot my pants!" Don't worry Hayes. It happens to the best of us.


  1. Hey... itsn't it the trend these days to wear clothes that are all wrinkled? Everyone is looking at his cute face and not what he is wearing anyway....

  2. at least he's getting dressed by himself, that's good.

  3. My boys have some shirts that are the same, so Daven will wear the same shirt 2 days in a row, without it actually being the same shirt. Though, he has worn the actual same shirt a time or two as well...
