Thursday, September 18, 2008

mark my word

I was going to write about Little Gym today but instead Big Momma Gym got in the way. Stay tuned for thoughts on Little Gym, it's a much more pleasant topic. What it really comes down to is I'm tired. Physically tired. Tired of the way my body looks. Tired of making excuses. I don't know why I do this to myself but I won't allow myself to exercise. I enjoy it, it makes me feel good, gives me more energy, keeps me healthy, blah blah blah. But I keep finding excuses ta not to (imagine Tow Mater's voice there).

Well, no more. Seeing that I am a girl of her word, I thought that if I write it down, it will get my butt in gear. I have the perfect time each day to get on the treadmill so I'm going to do it. No more excuses. When I start finding other things to do with my workout time, I will say to myself, "No, you made a commitment to change, so stick with it... for the love of all things not jiggly."

I'm realizing more and more as I do this blog that it is really an outlet for me. So if you were hoping to find the family scoop here, you will... but you'll have to deal with my rants and self-discoveries as well. Lucky you.

I caught a sweet moment at Little Gym today...


  1. Good luck!! I have started making time for myself by walking at night with a friend and doing an exercise class at church on Wednesday nights! We are worth it! I love your blog - you are so candid. I see a book of momisms in your future!

  2. You can do it! I think I'm gonna try the hospital nustep again to see if the knee can handle it.

  3. I have been trying to get Dad to go walk with me so we can exercise the dogs... well today was the day and boy did we get our arm exercise! They both forgot their manners...

    I think that you look really good (thin), but know that we all need some firming up.

    "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me STRENGTH!"

  4. I found that if I worked out at home, something always came up. A phone call, kid fighting, nap over, whatever, but it was always something. But now that I go to the Y at a set time every day, I'm much more consistent. Of course, it wouldn't be possible AT ALL if they didn't have child care. I get absolutely nothing done if I depend on Brad's schedule. But you probably know that. :) I started a separate weight loss blog. I like having it separate so I can be blunt and honest. Let me know if you want to check it out. It isn't all that exciting, but it helps to have friends motivating, ya know? And I'm kinda surprised you even think you need to lose weight. You look fabulous in your pictures.

  5. Wow! I wanta' be like you when I grow up Trisha!! This blog is amazing! Bev told me to look it up and it is soooo cool! I just wanted to tell you how much we miss you being at Blackwell and especially at Awana! Had 108 last night!! Anyway, you are such an awesome mom and person and I just wanted you to know that! The blog is great!

  6. I hear you sister! Keep plugging way at the treadmill. I'm doing Stroller Strides 3 days a week here. The jiggle is an ever present force down here.

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with this. I look at myself all the time and think..."why don't I just do something about it?" I love the way exercising makes me feel but I am just never motivated to get out there and do it. I have a beautiful neighborhood that I could walk in and there are plenty of hills to walk up and down that would certainly give me a run for my money. I am going to try to make a committment to do something about it!

    Margarete "Bo"
