Thursday, September 25, 2008

happy jack

embry jack is a happy jack
there ain't no doubt about it

balls, bats and puppy joe...
don't leave home without it

down the stairs or out for a walk
he sure does take it slow

as everyone finishes dinner each night
he's always the last to go

he's got this spirit, he's got this smile
that's sure to melt your heart

i have been crazy for those kisses
from the very start

Happy Birthday my sweet Embry!
I love you.


  1. Embry Jack our happy fella... he sure loves his beautiful MOMMA as one can tell by the way he looks at her and loves on her... he for sure cana melt your heart with his precious smile!

  2. I loved your poems and the pictures are just precious!

  3. Happy Birthday, Jack! We miss you all.
