Sunday, September 7, 2008

happy birthday jude

Jude turns 8 today. It's been an interesting last several months with no dog in the house. When we made this last move, Jude got to stay with Minnie & Papaw.

We discovered that Embry is allergic to dogs (along with a few other things) last spring. It was a real struggle for me when I realized I had to make a decision and do something. Jude has been a part of our life for over seven years now and it broke my heart to send him away and never see him again. But my little boy... well, he's my little boy and I hated watching him itch with Jude in the house. Luckily, I have parents who are pretty great and love dogs as much as I do. So I still get to see him, just not every day.

How can you resist this?

Jude, maybe if you're real nice to Papaw, you could snag one of these today!
Happy Birthday Juders. We miss you!


  1. Jude didn't get a McDonalds for his birthday treat, but he got an extra snack... an extra thick raw hide and lots of pats and love. HE MISSES YOU THE MOST! But, he is glad that he got to come and live with Papaw and Minnie so he will get to see you ever so often. You can give him your birthday greeting this weekend and I know that he will be anxiously awaiting to see your beautiful face!

    DAD & MOM

  2. Jude didn't get a McDonalds for his birthday treat, but he got an extra snack... an extra thick raw hide and lots of pats and love. HE MISSES YOU THE MOST! But, he is glad that he got to come and live with Papaw and Minnie so he will get to see you ever so often. You can give him your birthday greeting this weekend and I know that he will be anxiously awaiting to see your beautiful face!

    DAD & MOM
