Monday, September 22, 2008

closing in on two

It is hard to believe that my babies will turn two this Friday. It has been quite the ride since the day Embry and Ellie were born. Those first months were rough. I felt as if I was just going through the motions of changing diapers, keeping up with the laundry, working to get them on the same schedule - both sleeping and eating. Have you ever seen twins being breastfed at the same time? It's quite a sight!

And then there was poor Hayes... a two and a half year old toddler who just got his world rocked by not one, but two babies. Needless to say, he had a hard time sharing the spotlight. It's not like we neglected to tell him that he was getting a new baby brother and sister. We did everything the books say to do, talked about how he was going to be the best big brother and um, my belly was kinda hard to miss.

Things did get better. I don't know about easier, but definitely better. It has been so amazing watching these little people develop. They have been opposites from day one. Ellie has pretty much run the show all along. She's feisty, aggressive and she loves pushing her brothers' buttons. And she is all girl... which I can't get enough of! And then there is Embry who is such a sweet pea. He is a little more reserved, very sensitive and absolutely all boy. He will play ball any chance he gets. We were in Pottery Barn Kids the other day and he was playing baseball with a carrot and an orange.

It will be interesting to see what their third year brings. Moving from babies to toddlers. I guess I need to stop calling them babies at some point. Maybe we need to have another baby so I can relish in that sweet baby phase just one more time. Just kiddin' ya Mom! Wink. Wink. No really, I'm serious... I mean kidding. I mean... what do I mean?


  1. When do we have to stop calling them babies? I still call Calet my baby girl, and I'm thinking, she isn't much of a baby anymore. But she is... but she isn't... I don't know!

    Our 4th is up for debate. Somedays I want another, somedays it is completely beyond my ability to comprehend. :)

  2. LOL... but I know that you are kiddin' RIGHT? WINK.... WINK....

    I can't believe it has been two years... you have done an amazing job! Dad and I are so proud of you! We comment all the time, that we just don't know how you can do it....

    WOW... forgot how big your belly really got too! There weren't small babies in there either, that is why...

    My Dad would have been so proud to see those twins (boy & girl too).

  3. I am so happy for your little family! These years have flown by. It seems like yesterday that we meet in the food line at the Alumni Picnic. You holding 6 month old Hayes and me preggers with Maddie. Love the belly shot.

  4. What a cute picture - of the babies! No just kidding - I never knew you had such a big belly. I must have not seen you the last month or so - but you had big twins to account for it!! What precious memories you have made for your kids.

  5. Yes, It's hard to believe that E & E are turning two! You and Kyle have done an amazing job getting through and sometimes even being able to enjoy the ride. I'm sure Laura and Andrew will let you have a baby fix any time you want!

  6. Love the prego picture! It really shows the miracle of life.
