Wednesday, September 10, 2008

change of scenery

Kyle decided he doesn't want to be a doctor anymore. Just kidding. Wouldn't that be somethin'? It's been finalized that his residency program won't be at OSU Medical Center beginning next summer. As for the hospital actually closing, no one has given specifics. Kyle's program is being moved to St. Francis, some others to Hillcrest. Hopefully, he will get to work at St. Francis South some, which is pretty close to our house. He will also be working quite a bit at the Muskogee VA.

This month and next month's rotation is plastic surgery. The hours still are not my preference (who am I kidding? they never will be!), but he seems to really be enjoying it and is glad to be back in the OR. He was excited to have done half of a breast reduction by himself today. The attending did one boob, he did the other. Pretty cool, huh?

There have been a lot of changes since that first day of medical school.

Graduating this past May.

And the picture that last day of residency? Hayes will be 9!


  1. Good job on the new blog! Hayes sure has grown. What precious pics.

  2. Hope he gets to work down south some. I love the before and after pics. BTW, I snagged the "Motivation for Moms" for my blog. OK?

  3. that doesn't even look like hayes in that first pic. i thought to myself, who is that baby kyle is holding?? lol

  4. Steve and I are so proud of you guys. And I mean both of you since Kyle wouldn't be here without you Trisha.
